Wednesday, April 27, 2011

CaringKids Chore Cards

For years I've been wishing I could take my kids all over the world to see how different children lives are in other parts of the world.  One big reason was to build thankfulness in their own lives.  Raising grateful children in America is a difficult task. Obviously, flying a family of six all over the world is rather expensive, so in the meantime, I came up with these chore cards to help them see how blessed they truly are.
The chore cards give step by step instruction for completing certain chores around the house.  The back of the card has a story telling about a child in another part of the world.

Through these, my kids have begun to pray for children all around the world - and hopefully, will grow up to become not only responsible, hard working adults, but also people who have compassionate hearts to help the less fortunate.

This set of 13 (one blank) chore cards is made from glossy postcards and professionally printed.  Each set is only $10 with proceeds currently going towards the Jon and Carissa's adoption fund for two children from Uganda.  Click here to order or contact me at

Share this with your friends and if you would like to sell them in your place of business, please let me know!  Blessings!

Each chore card set includes:
Gather laundry
Clear the table
Clean the bathroom
Set the table
Clean the living room
Clean your bedroom
Trash duty
Empty the dishwasher
Sweep out vehicle
Sweep kitchen floor
Clean up entryway
Put laundry away


Mary said...

I just signed up for your giveaway without really knowing what I was signing up for. I just saw chore card and since my oldest is very interested in helping around the house right now I was excited. Now that I see it more clearly I'm super excited and if I don't win them I may have to purchase them from you. I just got back from India and watching little boys and girls wash their clothes behind our hotel in a five gallon bucket their mother transported on top of her head for them was so wild to see. Yet, those same kids came to our events we were holding with huge smiles, so pleased to be able to be a part of something. It's impossible to fully communicate the difference to my sheltered children, but every bit of awareness is good for them. This is a GREAT idea.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I was wondering if the instructions to these chore cards include directions for multiple kids. I have 5 and am wondering how I would utilize these card with them. Thank you!

Lynette Carpenter said...

Hey! Thanks for the question. Yes, there are instructions in the packet.

I have four kids and only use one set for our family. I just pull the cards I want done and hand them to the child/children responsible for that particular chore. They read the story and instructions and return the card when the job is done.

Let me know if you have any more questions!

Deanne said...

How can I order some of these cards?