Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Letter From Erin Eve - Part 7

Erin and I were chatting on the phone this morning and she mentioned there was one more subject on her heart that she felt she should address - Jim.  I agreed and even though it’s not Monday, here’s one more letter from Erin Eve.

Forgiving Jim
            I woke up this morning with all the “Jims” on my heart!  What a surprise that was.  I realized that I need to share that corner of my heart that has been dusted off and polished up.  In my story I shared my feelings of hate towards Jim, but I want you guys in particular to know that healing took place - only through God’s grace.  Just as God forgives us so shall we forgive those who do wrong against us.  Jim was only following his flesh, doing what he thought would be best for me and ultimately himself. 
            Several years ago I actually bumped into Jim and believe me when I say there are no coincidences in life.  God has had his hand on my life all through this journey.  And don’t you just love God’s sense of humor?  He is a loving and gracious God who wants the best for us, not just mediocrity that we all too often settle for or think that is what’s deserved of us. 

While attending a church service to hear a guest speaker who was of interest to my husband, I had a life changing moment occur.  While in line to receive communion….God’s ways are so awesome, I glanced to my left and who would I see sitting there, but Jim!  I cannot fully describe the feelings that came over me, but it was something like “Hello GOD!” 

As I went forward to take communion with a smile on my face and flutter in my heart I realized that the hate I so long ago felt for Jim was completely gone.  I looked up at the huge cross covered in a purple sash and smiled even bigger when I saw the thorny crown.  I know that the Lord will have a crown to place upon my head just as the Bible says, only when I receive that one, I won't feel so ashamed, but freely loved.  

As I walked back to my seat and saw him with a beautiful family, my heart skipped to a beat of joy for him and I instantly prayed for him, for the first time.  I saw that he was a husband and a father, and he was in church….most likely seeking what I was seeking…a place to drop some heavy dirty chains.  

~Erin Eve

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