There are many ways to show a child that they are wanted. One option is through the walls of your home, so today I'm giving you a peek into some of the things I've been "telling" my kids. PLUS, I figured it's about time for another GIVEAWAY, so stay tuned!
I took a silly picture of our family, edited it to say "When I count my blessings, I count you twice", framed it and set it in our entryway. I doubt my kids stop and think about it at this age, but I hope it is sending a message to them for the future - You belong! You are wanted!
The "Welcome to the zoo!" is one of my favorites and sums up how life at our house feels most days. It brings a little comic relief when I wade through the backpacks, coats, hats, gloves, bats, footballs, helmets, shoes, boots, bags of garbage that still need to go out, lunchboxes, wet socks and... well, you get the picture!
In our dining room, I added a saying I bought through Uppercase Living (by the way, did I mention a GIVEAWAY?). "Together is a wonderful place to be" is now posted below pictures of our four kids. I'd like to add a picture of Tim and I yet. The plate on the table is one that Amy and I enjoy adding messages to with a dry erase pen. We change it with the different seasons of weather... or life.
Another way I've been telling my kids they belong is so simple, fun, and rather popular right now. Each child has their names on their bedroom walls.
I found the letters at Hobby Lobby and spray painted them. Tyler's letters are my favorite size, but since
Amy has her name in her room as well.
Above all else, I never want my children to forget that they are special in God's eyes and that He loves them! I never want them to lose sight of the fact that we are here to bring glory to Him!
I've talked before about using page protectors to post chore charts, etc around the house for the kids. I also use the protectors to post verses for the children in different areas of our home (including the shower). That's how they learned the books of the Bible and continue to learn different memory verses.
I also hung this favorite in our entryway:
It's a little difficult to see. I wish I would have ordered it in white. But, I love it! It says "You are fearfully and wonderfully made" and I bought it through Uppercase Living as well (let's see, have I mentioned a GIVEAWAY? I thought I did... hmmm..).
As my kids get closer and closer to teen years, I want to reinforce in their brains that they were made in the image of God. I always want them to believe and know that they are special in God's eyes and no matter what the world tells us about how we should look or what we should be, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In God's eyes, we are just right!
Now, if you only glanced at that picture, please go back and gaze at it a little while longer. I know, I know... now you'll notice the streaks and fuzzies left by the paper towel, but look anyway. Why? Because for that little peek into our bathroom, I had to clean the mirror, wipe down the counter, put toothbrushes away, scrape dried toothpaste globs out of the sink, gather the trash, change the light bulb, hunt for another light bulb, steal a light bulb from another lamp, add "light bulbs" to my grocery list, climb on the counter to replace the light bulb, kneel down in the hallway at just the right angle to get just the right picture... and then cropped most of the picture off.
So please, give the picture the time and attention it deserves! :)
There is enough in life to keep us down, so another message I am trying to send my children is to live life joyfully. Here are a couple (sometimes humorous) ways I've done that:
So, what's your message? How are you telling your family they are wanted and that they belong? I love hearing from you, and look forward to getting more ideas!
Now, I'd like you to meet Elisha Day. Elisha sells Uppercase Living products, and is the one who helped me design some of the expressions for my home. I loved her willingness to help and her ideas. If you are interested in finding wall expressions for her home, visit her here! Her online catalog has so many ideas for your home and I can't wait to add more to the walls of our house soon!
Better yet, Elisha has given me not one, but TWO $15 gift certificates to GIVEAWAY here on Walking on Water!
So, how about it?
You in?
Here are the rules to enter:
* The giveaway ends on Monday, October 3rd at 10AM.
* Leave a comment for your first entry.
* For additional entries: (Leave me a comment for each)
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Have a great day!
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:) LOVE this!! :) I actually have a picture of the red plaque that says Micah 6:8. I keep it in my "Gifts for the Wife" file that my husband needs for special occasions. :)
Nice! Love what you've done with your home. It's so encouraging to hear from mom's who consider these details important. Can't wait to see what God does with your kids.
It all LOOKS good too, which helps a lot. Especially that mirror!
Shared on FB :)
I love your house. I love that you are intentionally teaching your kids. So you asked how i am teaching my kids? Well as you know I don't have any, but I do have a brother who is much like a little kid, ok two, but I'm talking about the one living at home. I give him a good pounding at least once a day to teach him to cherish life. =)
I love the way you write and the thoughts you shared today! I've been thinking along those same lines lately and wondering what am I doing/going to do that will give Preston all the love and acceptance that he needs. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! You are a blessing!
Wonderful ideas Lynette!
Wow! I love your creativity!
Great ideas, Lynette ~ I love 'em!
Thanks for sharing a peek into your home!! I've got words and names all over my walls too... :)
p.s. sharing on Facebook :)
That is awesome and thanks for sharing. I do not have stuff like that in my house but I would love some and that is an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing. You are amazing.
Love the letters and words! i am woking on doing more of that in my house as well.
LOVE this! Thanks for all these great ideas..
Love this. It gave me some great ideas for my home. I love everything. Now I know what to do with my 13' ceilings. Thank you:)
Love it!!
I love the way you are encouraging your children- you inspire me to try to do that in our home!!!
Loretta Wingard
Linked you to facebook Loretta Wingard
Like the idea about using page protectors to post verses. LOVE wall words, letters, have alot in our house too! Enjoy reading your blog.
~ Melody S.
Thanks for sharing your home and thoughts with us. You are a wonderful writer and mother and always do things with purpose. I try to do the same and do far have 7 says in our home too. Thanks for all you do.
My mother used to write saying on the walls of out home (this was way before the days of applications). One she put up was 'He who whines has too much'. I guess it was a reminder for
We have pictures on our wall of the Savior and the LDS Temple where our family was sealed together for time and for eternity...this lets our kids know that we want to be together forever, not just for now!
I love how the things on your walls build confidence in your children! Happy Thursday!
Thanks for joining our vB Christian Mom’s Blog Hop!
Becky Jane
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