
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Behind the Mask

I was pushing my cart through the aisles of the grocery store last night when, unexpectedly, my heart burned with a heavy sorrow. A little girl walked by, hand tucked inside the large hand of her daddy. Our eyes met for a split second, then they turned a corner and she disappeared.

I have no possible way of knowing what truths were hiding behind her big blue eyes. I could only hope her life was one of joy and happiness. Still... I know the unfortunate reality that this is not the case for so many.

Abuse is everywhere. Try as we might to stop it, it continues to exist. What breaks my heart is that too often, the attention is focused more on the abuser... rather than the abused. Still, the damages done by abuse, though often left unseen, wound the deepest parts of a person's soul. Wounds so deep, many are left unhealed throughout their lifetime.

My heart is for these innocent victims. I ache along with them as they search to find healing, purpose and value.

A teenage girl recently shared these words with me - words she wrote after experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of the man she had trusted most - her father. Though she continues on her path towards healing even today, my prayer is that she will continue to leave behind the mask that she wore for so long and discover a love that is true and pure through her Heavenly Father.

Here are her words:

Behind the Mask
Written by a 13 year old girl

I was just a doll
to fill your every pleasure.
Little did I know
to Someone, I was a treasure.
I grew up thinking
that this is all I am worth.
But God was there
even through the worst.

You said you loved me
but you were only lying.
You were not listening,
but God was... He heard me crying.
You violated
my body, my very being.
It took a long time
for my heart to stop bleeding.

You never asked me
Never asked if it was okay.
You had the power,
But used it all the wrong way.
You were just one man
But one man’s lust is all it took.
Then you only stood by
As my whole world shook.

So I put on a mask 
For those around me to see.
Because I can’t let
Them know what happened to me.
I cannot let it slip,
Must always keep it place.
I feared letting anyone 
See the pain on my face

But at last I found
Reality in salvation.
God truly loves me
For I am His creation.
He gave me the strength
To break the silence... to speak.
Now you are gone...
and I am no longer weak.

I'm no longer yours
Because I am His.
And I finally discovered
What authentic love is.
He gave me a fresh start
I simply had to ask
He's healing my heart
And removing my mask.

I would be so honored to pass on words of encouragement to this young woman - her journey to healing is far from over.  If you have something you would like to share with her - or what her words have meant to you, please email me and I will pass it along to her.  And for the broken and hurting people in your life - reach out to them today.  Make a difference in their life through a smile, kind words or a hug.

There is pain all around us.  If we could see what the masks are hiding, I fear it would render us speechless, frozen in horror at the wounds so many hide.

Like the poem says, authentic love can only be found by the One who came to save us.  This world is full of broken people - that is why He came.  My desire is to reflect the love He has shown me to the world around me.

If you are the one who is hurting today, I have this to say to you - you are loved!  The world tells us that we have no worth - no value.  Circumstances and situations from childhood to this very moment in time tell us that we're no good... so we spend our time searching for affirmation and love.  But hear me in this - your WORTH cannot be dependent upon another's opinion of you.  Looking to another to measure your value will only bring heartache and pain - for those you look to may be carrying their own burdens, leaving them with a distorted view of what genuine love is.

Their is only One who can love you with a complete and pure and authentic love - it is Jesus.  How do I know?  Because He removed my own mask of pain.  He brought me out of a dark, lonely and depressing life into one of peace and an inner joy that this world cannot take away.

He offers it to you as well.  All you need to do, is ask.

If you would like prayer for a situation in your life, email me today.  I would love to pray for you!

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