
Monday, March 24, 2014

The Ultimate Example in Parenting

He will not always chide…

The words popped into my head this morning as I sorted through a pile of laundry.  The kids were gone, so I wasn’t “chiding” anyone at the moment - although I had been asking God to help me to parent my children well.

“What’s up with that?”  I asked God.

“He will not always chide.”

I’d memorized the verses years ago but my mind couldn’t finish the verse.  Setting aside the towels and socks, I checked in with Google and soon was reading Psalm 103 in a way I had never seen it before.

We have two options in this world to emulate as parents – our Abba Daddy - God... or Satan, the father of lies.  While reading this Psalm, conviction tugged at my heart when I realized how so often as a mother I have reflected Satan’s character more than my loving Father God.



Satan condemns and accuses  (why can’t you remember to make your bed?  Who made such a mess while brushing your teeth?   Seriously - you have to learn to shut the door - it’s freezing out there!  Can I get a little help around here?) while God’s unfailing love and forgiveness stands in stark contrast (I have loved you with an everlasting love.  Lo, I am with you always (how does He do that?  I love my babies, but be with them always?  Confession: I may or may not have hidden behind my couch to call my mom and cry about no alone time when my kids were toddlers.)

He forgives our sins, takes care of us in our sicknesses, restores us when we’ve failed, celebrates us with His love and mercy, is not easily angered, and is rich in love.

He doesn’t endlessly nag or scold (chide).

Doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve.

Doesn’t make us pay in full for the sins we’ve done.

Loves with a love that cannot be measured.

Separates us from our sins – (He doesn’t see your sin – He sees you.)

And He remembers that we are frail.

Convicted? Yes, but also encouraged, because though I’ve fallen short so often as a mother, my Abba Daddy is pulling me back on my feet again – encouraging me with His words of strength, support and love.  

And Satan?  He's still at it -shouting his condemnation.  Reminding me of all my mistakes – but he only serves to prove God’s word true and I cling to Abba Daddy’s promise that He remembers that I am frail but that He is sheer mercy and grace and in His presence, my youth is renewed like an eagle’s.   


  1. I'm learning this on my current parenting journey too. I just recently read "Loving your kids on purpose" and it's changing my perspective in parenting so much!
