
Monday, January 11, 2016

The Privilege of Serving

What does your day hold?  What duties lie before you?

As a mother, I see endless need-to-dos overshadowing my want-to-dos… but somewhere inside all the demands, my attitude changes when I recognize the high calling - the honor - the privilege I've been given in being called to serve my family – and those around me.

To SERVE isn't something our society promotes.  It isn't something most dream of growing up to be – ‘one who serves’.  It isn't even something we think of in connection with the concept of parenting...or marriage (ouch).

It's backwards lower oneself... to seek to serve...’more of you, less of me’.

It’s counter-cultural.

But then so was Jesus.

And I find that when I yield myself to Him, He changes my perspective.  And suddenly, the thankless, endless and unnoticed become my calling…my joy… and my privilege.

You see, Satan wants me to give up.  He tells me all my efforts are in vain – not just with mothering… but in relationships…in ministry…in everything. 

But my Abba tells me not to listen to the lies.  He calls out – telling me to hang in there – that I have no idea what each small seed will produce…and that while it may not seem this way today, someday I’ll look back and recognize the privilege that is mine in being invited to SERVE the ones before me.

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